Connections Services

For Business Owners & Entrepreneurs
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What Exactly is Connection Services? Do I really need it?

Connection Basics

The size of your business connection database is crucial and can play a pivotal role in growing your business, or lead to it’s failure. We help entrepreneurs and business owners to strategically collaborate and connect with businesses already in our local database. If you are looking for new leads, or a source to create new referrals we can help! 

Do You Need Connection services?

Do you need more qualified leads for your business?

Has your current business hit a plateau in sales?

Do you turn away business without referring it to someone else?

Do you regularly connect with new people that can help drive business to your business?

Are you harnessing the power of video marketing to showcase the value you have to offer?

What We Can Help You With

Mortgage Inquiry


Personal Loans

Real Estate Inquiry


Real Estate Loans

Roofing Inquiry

Business Loans

Expand Your Sales, Marketing, Video & Networking Reach

By collaborating with like minded individuals it allows you to create strategic relationships for your business. If there has ever been a situation where someone requested a service that you do not offer you should have a list of contacts up your sleeve that can be referred on a commission basis. The goal is to always be networking and collaborating for your business and others. This generates more leads for your business while you are helping generate leads for others! It is a never ending cycle where one hand always washes the other!

Have an Active Vision, Strategy, & Roadmap to Reach Your Goals

If you are a new business just starting out, or an already established enterprise we have services to cater to your unique needs. Everything from business insurance services to on going digital marketing to best showcase your companies and services.

Scale & Maintain Healthy Operations & Culture

By promoting a healthy culture within your business it leads to increased effectiveness and a happier growing work environment for your staff. Is your business setup to scale and grow a healthy culture?  

We Also Give Hands-On Workshops & Talks

If your interested in hearing Shawn Ziem speak, or any of our featured businesses contact us today to schedule a live workshop with the Connection Machine Team!





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Northern New Jersey